
Jembranan Regency

Regency of Jembrana is located in the western of Bali, consists of 4 sub districts namely : Melaya, Mendoyo, Pekutatan, Negara. Divided into 51 villages/administrative villages (desa/kelurahan). This area covers more or less then 841.8km² with more less than 220,000 people its density 261 people of every km. Negara is the capital city of Jembrana, Bali’s western most districts and where some of Bali’s oldest remains of prehistoric humans have been found. Jembrana also happens to be Bali’s most sparsely populated district.

Some of Bali's oldest remains of prehistoric humans have been found in the Jembrana regency. Legend tells that sparsely populated West Bali got that way because its early in habitants were cursed invisibility for having violated the daughter of a powerful priest.

A ruling family related to the Gelgel house was established here in the mid 1400s, but a dispute among its two founders led to civil war and a destruction of the court. For a while the area was considered to be marginal part of the Badung Kingdom, and a prince from Sulawesi set himself up as ruler during the 17th century with little problem. Most of Jembrana includes the forests, mountain, and coasts of the west Bali National Park and Reserve.

Visitors must obtain the necessary permit and guide at the park headquarters in "Cekik". You might be lucky to see the rare white Bali starling bird, or maybe hear the roar of the Balinese tiger, long thought to be extinct. Excellent diving and snorkeling can be found around "Pulau Menjangan"(Menjangan Island), with the "Banyu Wedang" hot springs nearby on the coast.

Catch a ferry to Java Island at "Gilimanuk" port. Close to the district capital of "Negara" is the temple of "Gede Prancak" near a waiver, while further east the "Rambut Siwi Complex" has magnificent ocean views, and there is an excellent surfing beach at "Madewi", tourist area, visitors may have a night in Madewi Beach Cottages, a standard accommodation with swimming pool and other style of cheaper accommodation as home-stay are available. In the capital town of Negara, many accommodation are available too.

Bigger is better in Jembrana : huge bamboo xylophone of the gamelan jegog accompanies martial arts and dances. "Kendang Mebarung" competitions of large oversized drums are sometimes held. Exciting makepung bull races take place in the village of "Banyu Biru" (blue water) and "Delod Brawah" during the dry season. "Joged bumbung groups" with flirtatious dancers accompanied by smaller bamboo instruments are popular around "Tegal Cangkring".

Jembrana Regency is the most heavily Javanese regency of Bali. Settlements with typical Javanese names like Palarejo are common in the area; in some instances the people have adopted Balinese ‘subak’-style irrigation practices. In a subtle gray area around Negara you can see where Java really starts. You begin to notice more mosques, ‘Peci’, ‘Nasi padang’ restaurants, Javanese-style wooden ‘Cikar’ carts pulled by plodding water buffalo.

The Balinese culture recedes to the east, almost as if the Balinese had relinquished this swath of island to the Javanese. Jembrana is also home to Bali’s strongest and most populous Christian communities. Jembrana Regency is the least populated regency of Bali. The population today is around 215,000, scattered throughout 51 villages, mostly situated along the main Denpasar-Gilimanuk coastal artery. Four of five inhabitants earn their income from farming or fishing.

Drier and not as agriculturally rich as the rest of the island, revenues derive for the most part from huge coconut plantations along the coastal strip, ubiquitous rice fields, coffee plantations in the highlands near the border of Tabanan, and vanilla, cocoa, and cloves. One of the main fishing ports of Bali is Pengambengan, eight-km southwest of Negara. Jembrana Regency is also the least visited part of Bali. Its isolation only came to an end with the Gilimanuk-Ketapang ferry in the 1930s.

Today, most tourists speed through the region on buses, racing along the 134-km-long road from Denpasar to Gilimanuk. All Jembrana’s hotels are located in Negara, Medewi, or the ferry terminal of Gilimanuk. Not even rudimentary English is widely spoken. Ample ‘Bemo’ and minibuses regularly service the district; ‘dokar’ and ‘ojek’ are available in the smaller towns and villages. Other than exciting bull races held in the vicinity of Negara, in which buffalo thunder down racetracks at speeds of 80-kph, there’s a dearth of historic sights and cultural performances.

The regency does offer utterly unique dance and ‘gamelan’ forms, isolated, stunning sea temples, challenging surf, and a heavily trafficked 71-km-long stretch of highway paralleling a coast lined with rocky, black-sand beaches pounded by high surf.


Gilimanuk Bay is Bali ‘s western sea gateway. Gilimanuk is the port serving the ferries that ply the route between Java and Bali . The waters in the Bali Strait are calm and very suitable for water sports. The sun rises from behind Mount Sangiang , or Klatakan.Baturiti lies in a mountainous regon and the natural scenery is beautiful with many hills and green, small forests. In the little town of Negara , one can see bull races. Yeh Embang village is ten kilometers from Negara and to the east of it is Rambut Siwi temple. This is the biggest temple in the western part of Bali . The temple stands 300 meters from the road towards Jembrana. Besides the temple, the setting of sea and paddies are just as alluring. Drop by at Perancak a recreation park with a fishing pond, not for away. Perancak temple is found hare. There is a fishermen’s hamlet o the beach. Asah Duren village 20 kilometers from Negara, in a mountainous region. Clove trees grow in this area. About 10 kilometers away is Medewi Beach.


This regency is thought to have been established in the early 1400’s, although civil war broke out and the regency became part of the Badung regency. In the 17th century, sparsely populated Jembrana was not of much interest to the other royal Balinese kingdoms and for a time it was ruled over by a prince from Sulawesi. Jembrana was one of the first kingdoms to surrender to the invading Dutch in the 1800’s.


Interesting Places in Jembrana Regency

Blimbingsari and Palasari. West of Negara moving towards Gilimanuk, the terrain becomes quite rugged and there are some great views into the West Bali National Park. The whole area is sparsely populated, and two areas of some interest are the villages of Blimbingsari and Palasari. The former is a protestant community and the latter catholic, and both were carved of out the jungle by trailblazing Christian pioneers. The communities, whilst Christian, are heavily influenced by Balinese culture. There are epic plays and dances for example which substitute the normal Hindu characters with those from the Bible. Both villages are well signposted from the main coast road between Negara and Gilimanuk at the village of Melayu. There is also a large reservoir at Palasari from where there are great views of the surrounding hills and mountains.

Buffalo races (Mekepung) in Delod Berawah about 9 km east of Negara town. Thought to originate in Madura, Mekepung were originally held as part of the harvest festivities in Negara. The colorfully decorated carts and buffaloes race on a four km course every 2nd and 4th Sunday morning starting at 7AM. Certainly the main attraction in Negara.

Bugis Houses. Look for the architecturally very distinct Bugis houses all around Negara, but especially in the Loloan Timur area. Those visitors who have been to southern Sulawesi will have a sense of deja-vu.

Madurese style fishing boats. These very colourful boats adorn the coast south and south west of Negara. The best place to see them in the hours of daylight (they often fish at night) is at the village of Pangambengan which lies about seven km southwest of Negara town.

Rambut Siwi Temple (Pura Rambut Siwi). This under-visited temple is about equidistant between Negara and Medewi Beach, and it sits on a low cliff-top overlooking a breathtaking panorama of paddy fields on one side and black sand beaches on the other. Two caves overlook the sea, each with a view of the fisherman’s boats and seabirds hovering above. The temple itself was built by Dang Hyang Nirartha, also the founder of Tanah Lot temple. According to legend, he made a gift of his hair to the temple. Hence the name Rambut Siwi, which literally means "Hair Worship".